  • マンドリン,マンドラ,
  • 宮野 厚志
  • アコースティックギター,
  • 楽器ケア用品,クロス,
  • Oasis
  • Tone
  • bam
  • G7th
イタリア発祥、ニューヨークに本社・工場を構え、現在もハンドメイドでの製造を続けているLA BELLA(ラベラ)

アンドリューヨークをはじめ世界中の芸術家に愛され続けるLA BELLAクラシックギター弦、フラメンコギター弦

アーティスト      LA BELLA クラシックギター弦・フラメンコギター弦

Lubomír Brabec     » ウェブサイト

アーティスト写真 Lubomír Brabec
LA BELLA 2001 Flamenco HT パッケージ画像

2001 Flamenco HT


Black Nylon
 ①.029 ②.032 ③.040
Silver-Plated Wound
 ④.029 ⑤.0365 ⑥.0445

» LA BELLA 2001 製品ページへ

Artist Biography

Guitarist Lubomír Brabec (*21/5/1953 in Plzeň) is undoubtedly one of today’s top Czech performers. After decades of concerts he has conquered the most important stages at home and abroad with his classical guitar. He is famous for his obsession for searching out unusual settings to stage his uncommon shows. His audiences are always captivated by his high artistic level. His approach to listeners of classical music has always been ahead of normal customs. His concerts expand borders, merge divergent types of music, and systematically embrace experimentation. In addition to being a virtuoso of his own instrument, he is also a captivating speaker. He regularly performs on prestigious stages with the world’s top soloists, chamber ensembles, and orchestras. The quality of his shows attracts a broad musical audience.
Lubomír Brabec is also an active researcher. He methodically searches archives for undiscovered works. He is responsible for reviving many compositions forgotten in archives for centuries. He has likewise adapted hundreds of works by other authors for the guitar and in the process has expanded the possibilities of the guitar as a solo and accompanied instrument.

He is no less active in his recording activities. His discography contains over 30 titles, including interpretations of Sor, Bach, Tárrega, Paganini, Vivaldi, Villa-Lobos, Trojan, and Granados. Lubomír Brabec has also captivated a wide listening audience with his departures into the world of popular and jazz music, where, for the purpose of promoting classical music, he has again expanded the possibilities of the interpretation and opportunities of his own instrument. Nevertheless, the apex and cornerstone of his activities has always been classical music. He has received numerous prestigious awards and honours as a top-selling and accomplished artist.
The critics regard Brabec as a musician of refined taste, tone, and technique and rank him as one of the top guitarists in the world. His riveting performances and natural virtuosity have earned him the admiration of the concert-going public. He often attracts media attention with his unconventional travelling and sports activities. In 1997 he became the first musician in the world to perform a concert in Antarctica.
